
Computer Scientist Turned Artist and Scholar

I have always loved movies and television. Telling stories through acting always fascinated me but, for a long time, I settled on telling those stories in tabletop role-playing games. Instead, I followed my fascination with technology (really a fascination with computer games) to a degree in computer science from the University of Washington. While there, I took several theatre classes and, gradually, grew to love theatre.

After I got my first software job and moved to Iowa, I started doing theatre in my spare time. I slowly realized that I was living my life in reverse. I should not be doing theatre in my spare time. I should be doing theatre full-time and working with computers part-time, if at all. So, I decided to get my MFA from a tiny little school called Naropa University. I enjoyed that enough that I decided to continue my education and get my PhD and now, here I am, at Texas Tech University, planning to graduate in May of 2025.